Coping with Grief: A Heartfelt Letter to My Grandma

letter to grandma Coping with Grief: A Heartfelt Letter to my grandma. Older woman standing with hands crossed, in a frame.

Coping with grief is hard. To help keep the family memories alive and give a fitting tribute to grandma on the memorial of her death, I decided it was only right to write a letter to my guardian angel.

Dear Grandma,

I’m sitting here still trying to make sense of this. It’s been a year since you left us. Coping with grief is hard. There are so many things I want to say, so many memories I want to relive, and yet I find it comforting to imagine you reading these words from wherever you are now.

Thank you for the talks, the laughter, tears, and incredible wisdom that has shaped me into the person I am today. You were my confidante, my source of guidance.

Shirley Jones Smiling

Family Memories

I remember when I would joke around about not being your favorite grandchild. Secretly, though, I always knew I had a special place in your heart – it was a love that transcended words. And even though you’d never admit it on the family calls, I knew. It was our little secret, an unspoken bond that made me feel truly special. (Don’t worry Omar, Ariale and Ulysses never have to know🤭)

One thing you can count on, is that I will continue to uphold your legacy, to be the person you believed me to be, to live a life that reflects the values you instilled in me. Your kindness, generosity, and unwavering love have become a part of who I am, and I strive to carry those qualities forward in everything I do.

You always managed our crazy crew of 33 (there’s a new edition by the way bringing us to a grand total of 34) offspring with such grace and love. And now, Grandma, it’s our turn to carry on this tradition. We may be scattered all over the place, but I will do my best to keep our family connected and united. You gathered us together, creating those unforgettable memories that will forever be imprinted in our hearts. I will make it a priority to ensure that we continue to come together, to support and love each other, just as you taught us.

Life without you

Grandma, there is not a moment that goes by where I don’t miss you. Life feels different without your physical presence, but I find comfort in knowing that you are at peace. Loss is hard. I like to imagine you watching over us, guiding us through life’s twists and turns. Your legacy lives on through each one of us, and as we navigate the challenges that lie ahead, your love and wisdom will be our guiding light.

Please know that you will always hold a special place in my heart. I will forever cherish the memories we shared and the love that you so freely gave. Until we meet again, know that I carry you with me in every step of my journey.

With all my love,

older photo one woman holding a baby on her right hip ond boy in a stroler one girl next to the stoller and another lady behind the young girl


To follow me to keep up with my daily musings and see how I navigate life without my grandma.