As hurricane season runs from June to November, it’s essential to prepare adequately to ensure family safety. Key steps include obtaining proper insurance, storing important documents, inspecting trees, and gathering essentials like water, food, flashlights, a grill, rain boots, and games. Create and communicate an evacuation plan, especially if in a risky zone, and explain the situation calmly to children. Always heed evacuation orders and stay prepared for varying storm impacts.
Read MoreOne of the key discussions at the Curls and Convo event centered around the Crown Act, a legislative movement aimed at ending discrimination based on hairstyle and texture, particularly targeting the prejudices faced by African-Americans in schools and workplaces. It was disheartening to learn that the Crown Act has passed in several states, but not […]
Read MoreA mother’s reflection: The importance of character over characteristics I made a conscious effort to avoid describing anyone based on race. In my mind, it was to avoid forcing biases on my children, to allow them to see who people are, by how they show up. At first, I thought it was a great idea, […]
Read MoreHow Sunday Family Zoom calls bring family closer Since the pandemic started in March, air travel has not been an option for my family. By now I would’ve visited my family in NYC at least twice, taken a few trips to S. Florida, yes I know I could drive, but I’m not about that 5-hr-drive […]
Read More7 Things the pandemic has taught me about parenting Y’all, can we just say I stan with every person who says this whole year has been crazy. I concede, parenting during Covid-19 has me going in circles. 1. Take one day at a time Ok, let’s be clear, I’m not saying don’t have a schedule/routine. […]
Read MoreThe worry-free all-natural deodorant for kids Summer is almost over but if you live in Florida or any other warm climate, you know the heat will linger for a few more months. With the unrelenting restrictions of Covid, my children spend a lot more time playing in the yard. And let’s just say the return […]
Read MoreQuick tips to help raise strong confident daughters (and sons) After watching the Surviving R. Kelly Docuseries on Lifetime and Gayle King’s interview on CBS, my heart hurt. I couldn’t help but think about these young women and how they were cheated out of so much. How much pain they have had to endure and […]
Read MoreWhat I Learned About Building a Child’s Confidence with Karate It all started with finding a Karate School near me Wait, there’s a way to do this, you ask? Yes, and it starts by finding a Karate school near you. Let’s face it, it’s a different world from back when many of us grew up. […]
Read MoreTalking to your kids about about gun safety and gun violence starts with patience… If you don’t follow the news, who can blame you the way things have been going lately. But I’m sure by now you’ve heard about the most recent mass-shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL. It’s been coined […]
Read MoreWhether you’re a working mom or a Stay-at-home-mom (SAHM) the reality remains, trying to get out of the house on time, with children is rarely an easy task. And depending on your morning, it could lead to a serious meltdown for all parties involved. So after dealing with a few manic MoMents, myself included, […]
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